María del Carmen Hernández Valladares
Contratada María Zambrano Senior
Facultad de Ciencias
Avenida de la Fuente Nueva S/N
958241000 ext. 20284
Family name, First name: Hernandez-Valladares Maria del Carmen
Date of birth: 17.06.1970
Sex: F
Nationality: Spanish
URL for personal web site:;;;;
//2019// Master of Secondary School Education, speciality Physics and Chemistry, National long-distance University of Spain
//2010 // Master Public Health, University of Manchester, U.K.
//2005 // University Expert of Epidemiology and new applied technologies,
National long-distance University of Spain and Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
//1998 // PhD: Disputation date: 29.09.1998. Centre of Protein Engineering, University of Liege, Belgium
//1994 // Master Organic Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
//1993 // Bachelor of Chemistry, speciality of Biochemistry, University of Granada, Spain
Expert in mass spectrometry-based proteomics, phosphoproteomics, acetylomics, glycoproteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics. My main skills include complex experimental design, broad range of biochemistry experimental techniques (i.e., spectroscopy, kinetics, protein expression, structural biology, molecular biology and genomics), data analysis, statistics, data management, reports, presentations, article writing, funding proposal writing, networking, teaching, supervision, couching and training together with great social skills in order to be able to work efficiently in a pleasant environment
//2022- //Senior investigator attached at the Institute of Biomedical Research ibs.GRANADA
//2022- //Senior investigator at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada under a Maria Zambrano Senior contract
2021-2022 ////50% Associate Professor and leader of the Metabolomics Platform at the Clinical Sciences Department (K2) and 50% Chief engineer at Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway, University of Bergen, Norway
//2016-2020// Postdoctoral scientist
Department of Clinical Studies and Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway, University of Bergen, Norway
2014-2016 Researcher, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2013 // Maternal leave
//2009-2012 //Postdoctoral scientist, Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool, U.K.
//2005-2009// Research Associate, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2004 // Visiting Scientist, Queensland Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia
//1999-2003 //Visiting Scientist, Institute of Livestock Research Institute-CGIAR group, Nairobi, Kenya
2018-2019 // Charles Perkins Centre, Mass Spectrometry facility of the University of Sydney, Australia (within the postdoctoral program at the University of Bergen)
//2022// Maria Zambrano Senior at the University of Granada, Spain
//2004 // Visiting scientist at the Queensland Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia thanks to a Human Frontier fellowship
1999-2001// Visiting scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, thanks to an award from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
//1994-1998 //Ph.D fellowship of the EU (Human Mobility Program); Centre of Protein Engineering, University of Liege, Belgium
//2021-2022 // Faculty of Medicine Board Member, University of Bergen
//2021- // Committee member of the Initiative Program of the European Society of Proteomics (EuPA)
//2010-2012 // Member of the British Biochemical Society
2001-2002// Member of International Federation of University Women (IFUW)
//1997-1998 // Member of International Conferences on Bioinorganic Chemistry Society (ICBICS)
//2022 //One Erasmus student from the University of Granada, Spain, and one Ph.D student from the Diabetes Group at the Clinical Science Department, University of Bergen, Norway
//2021 //Two undergraduate students, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2017-2018 //One Master Student, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2016 // Two undergraduate students, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2014-2015 //One undergraduate students and two postdocs, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2005-2009 //One Ph.D student, one technician, two postdocs and two undergraduate students, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2022/2023 //Physical Chemistry main course and Practicum for Chemistry Engineering degree at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada; Practicum for Environmental Sciences degree at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada
//2021/2022 //Practicum for Chemistry Engineering degree at the Department of Chemistry Physics at the University of Granada
//2017 // Technical Instrumentation, Pharmacy, University of Bergen, Norway
//2015// Mass spectrometry proteomics, BioProt course, University of Bergen, Norway
2008-2009 //Outreach program on Structural Biology, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2004 //Plasmodium falciparum resistance in mouse models, Parasitology summer course, University of Granada, Spain
Analytical Chemistry (IF 6.97; 2020); Nature Communications Biology (IF 14.92; 2020); International Journal of Nanomedicine (IF 6.4; 2020); Cancer Letters (IF 8.68; 2020) and Leukemia (IF 11.53; 2020)
PUBLICATIONS (1996-2022)
1. Hernandez-Valladares M., Galleni M., Frere J.M., Felici A., Perilli M., Franceschini N., Rossolini G. M., Oratore A. and Amicosante G. (1996). Overproduction and purification of the metallo-ß-lactamase from Aeromonas hydrophila AE036. Microbial Drug Resistance, 2: 253-256.
2. Hernandez-Valladares M., Felici A., Weber G., Adolph H.W., Zeppezauer M., Rossolini G. M., Amicosante G., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (1997). Zn(II) dependence of the Aeromonas hydrophila AE036 metallo-ß-lactamase activity and stability. Biochemistry, 36: 11534-11541.
3. Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Galleni M., Bauer R., Zeppezauer M., Frere J.M. and Adolph H.W. (1998). Mono- and binuclear Zn-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis: catalytic and structural roles of the zinc ions. FEBS Letters, 438: 137-140.
4. Prosperi-Meys C., Llabres G., de Seny D., Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Laraky N., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (1999). Interaction between class B ß-lactamases and suicide substrates of active-site serine ß-lactamases. FEBS Letters, 443: 109-111.
5. Paul Soto R., Bauer R., Frere J.M., Galleni M., Meyer-Klaucke W., Nolting H., Rossolini G.M., de Seny D., Hernandez-Valladares M., Zeppezauer M. and Adolph H.W. (1999). Mono- and binuclear Zn2+-ß-lactamases. Role of the conserved cysteine in the catalytic mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274: 13242-13249.
6. Meyer-Klaucke W., Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Adolph H.W., Nolting H., Frere J.M. and Zeppezauer M. (1999). A comparison of Bacillus cereus and Aeromonas hydrophila Zn-ß-lactamases. Journal of Synchroton radiation, 6: 400-402.
7. Walter M.W., Hernandez-Valladares M., Adlington R.M., Amicosante G., Baldwin J.E., Frere J.M., Galleni M., Rossolini G.M. and Schofield C.J. (1999). Hydroxamate inhibitors of Aeromonas hydrophila AE036 metallo-ß-lactamase. Bioorganic Chemistry 27: 35-40.
8. Hernandez-Valladares M., Kiefer M., Heinz U., Paul Soto R., Meyer-Klaucke W., Nolting H., Zeppezauer M., Galleni M., Frere J.M., Rossolini G.M., Amicosante G. and Adolph H.W. (2000). Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the native and metal-substituted ß-lactamase from Aeromonas hydrophila AE036. FEBS Letters, 467: 221-225.
9. Hernandez-Valladares M., Zervosen A., Devreese B., Prosperi-Meys C., Adolph H.W., Mercuri P.S., Vanhove M., Amicosante G., Van Beeumen J., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (2001). Inactivation of Aeromonas hydrophila metallo-ß-lactamase by cephamycins and moxalactam. European Journal of Biochemistry, 268: 3840-3850.
10. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Gibson J.P., Musoke A.J., Nagda S., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Confirmation and dissection of QTL controlling resistance to malaria in mice. Mammalian Genome, 15(5): 390-398.
11. Hernandez-Valladares M., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Mapping of a new quantitative trait locus for resistance to malaria in mice by a comparative mapping approach with human chromosome 5q31-q33. Immunogenetics, 56: 115-117.
12. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Nagda S., Musoke A.J., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Comparison of pathology in susceptible A/J and resistant C57BL/6J mice after infection with different sub-strains of Plasmodium chabaudi. Journal of Experimental Parasitology, 108: 134-41.
13. Flori L., Delahaye N.F., Iraqi F.A., Hernandez-Valladares M., Fumoux F. and Rihet P. (2005). TNF as a malaria candidate gene: polymorphism-screening and family-based association analysis of malaria attack and parasitemia in a population living in Burkina Faso. Genes and Immunity, 6:472-80.
14. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J. and Iraqi F. (2005). Genetic resistance to malaria in mouse models. Trends in Parasitology, 21: 352-55.
15. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Musoke A.J., Sekikawa K., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K., Busher P. and Iraqi F. (2006). Pathology of Tnf-deficient mice infected with Plasmodium chabaudi adami 408XZ. Journal of Experimental Parasitology, 114, 271-278.
16. Spielmann T., Dixon M.W.A., Hernandez-Valladares M., Hannemann M., Trenholme K.R. and Gardiner D.L. (2006). Reliable transfection of Plasmodium falciparum using non-commercial plasmid mini preparations. Int. J. Parasitology, 36, 1245-48.
17. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J. and Iraqi F. (2007). Gene-knockout mice in malaria research: useful or misleading? Trends in Parasitology, 23, 522-6.
18. Nag S., Ma Q, Wang H., Chumnarnsilpa S., Lee W.L., Larsson M., Kannan B., Hernandez-Valladares M., Burtnick L.D., Robinson R.C. (2009). Ca2+ binding by domain 2 plays a critical role in the activation and stabilization of gelsolin. PNAS, 106, 13713-8.
19. Hernandez-Valladares M., Kim T., Kannan B., Tung A., Aguda A.H., Larsson M., Cooper J.A., Robinson R.C. (2010) Structural characterization of a capping protein interaction motif defines a family of actin filament regulators. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 497-503.
20. Kannan, B. Larsson, M., Lee, W.L., Hernandez-Valladares M., Robinson, R.C. (2011) Actin polymerazation Dynamics-Insights from In vitro TIRF microscopy. Biophysics J, 3, 300-301.
21. Eisenberg, S., Laude, A.J., Beckett, A.J., Mageean, C.J., Aran, V., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Henis, Y.I. and Prior, I.A. (2013) The role of palmitoylation in regulating Ras localization and function. Bioch. Soc. Trans., 41, 79-83.
22. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Rihet, P. and Iraqi, F.A. (2014). Host susceptibility to malaria in human and mice: compatible approaches to identify potential resistant genes. Physiol Genomics, 46(1), 1-16.
23. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aran, V., Prior, I.A. (2014) Quantitative proteomic analysis of compartmentalized signaling networks. Meth. Enzymol, 535, 309-25.
24. Cheung, V.W., Bo, X., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Go, M.K., Tung, A., Aguda, A.H., Robinson, R.C. and Yew, W.S. (2014). Identification of polyketide inhibitors targeting 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase in the shikimate pathway of Enterococcus faecalis. Plos One, 9(7): e103598.
25. Hernandez-Valladares, M. and Prior I. (2015). Comparative proteomic analysis of compartmentalised Ras signalling. Sci. Reports, 5: 17307
26. Aasebø, E., Forthun, R.B., Berven, F., Selheim, F. and Hernandez-Valladares, M. (2016). Global cell proteome profiling, phospho-signaling and quantitative proteomics for identification of new biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia patients. Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol., 17(1): 52-70.
27. Aasebø, E., Mjaavatten, O., Vaudel, M., Farag, Y., Selheim, F., Berven, F., Bruserud, Ø. and Hernandez-Valladares, M. (2016). Freezing effects on the acute myeloide leukemia cell proteome and phosphoproteome revealed using optimal quantitative workflows. J Proteomics, 154, 214-25.
28. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aasebø, E., Mjaavatten, O., Vaudel, M., Bruserud, Ø., Berven, F. and Selheim, F. (2016). Reliable FASP-based procedures for optimal quantitative proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis on samples from acute myeloid leukemia patients. Biol. Proced. Online, doi: 10.1186/s12575-016-0043-0. eCollection.
29. Tvedt, T.H.A., Reikvam, H., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Berven, F., Selheim, F. and Bruserud, Ø. How should quality of life assessment be used to evaluate elderly and unfit patients with acute myeloid leukemia? Qual. Life Res. (2016)
30. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aasebø, E., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø. (2016). Selecting sample preparation workflows for mass spectrometry-based proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of patient samples with acute myeloid leukemia. Proteomes, 4(3), doi: 10.3390/proteomes4030024.
31. Brenner, A.K., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø. (2017). Rethinking the role of osteoponin in human acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk. Lymphoma, 58(6), 1494-97.
32. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Vaudel, M., Bruserud, Ø., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø (2017). Proteogenomics approaches for studying cancer biology and their potential in the identification of acute myeloid leukemia biomarkers. Expert Rev. Proteomics, 14(8), 649-63.
33. Bruserud, Ø., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M, Tsykunova, G. and Reikvam, H. (2017). Therapeutic targeting of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia, the biological background for possible strategies (2017). Expert Opin. Drug Discov., 12(10), 1053-1065.
34. Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications: Bamberg, Germany. 23-25 June, 2017. BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2017 Oct 10;18(Suppl 1):64
35. Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven FS, Brenner AK, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic Profiling of Primary Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Does Not Reflect Their Constitutive Release of Soluble Mediators. Proteomes. 2018 Dec 20;7(1). pii: E1. doi: 10.3390/proteomes7010001.
36. Reis LC, Ramos-Sanchez EM, Petitto-Assis F, Nerland AH, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Floeter-Winter LM, Goto H. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I as an Effector Element of the Cytokine IL-4 in the Development of a Leishmania major Infection. Mediators Inflamm. 2018 Jul 29;2018:9787128. doi: 10.1155/2018/9787128. eCollection 2018.
37. Nepstad I, Hatfield KJ, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Brenner AK, Bartaula-Brevik S, Berven F, Selheim F, Skavland J, Gjertsen BT, Reikvam H, Bruserud Ø. Two acute myeloid leukemia patient subsets are identified based on the constitutive PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling of their leukemic cells; a functional, proteomic, and transcriptomic comparison. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2018 Jul;22(7):639-653. doi: 10.1080/14728222.2018.1487401.
38. Wangen R, Aasebø E, Trentani A, Døskeland SO, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. Preservation Method and Phosphate Buffered Saline Washing Affect the Acute Myeloid Leukemia Proteome.Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jan 19;19(1). pii: E296. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010296.
39. Aasebø E, Bartaula-Brevik S, Hernandez-Valladares M, Bruserud Ø. Vacuolar ATPase as a possible therapeutic target in human acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Rev Hematol. 2018 Jan;11(1):13-24. doi: 10.1080/17474086.2018.1407239.
40. Brenner AK, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven F, Grønningsæter IS, Bartaula-Brevik S, Bruserud Ø. The Capacity of Long-Term in Vitro Proliferation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Supported Only by Exogenous Cytokines Is Associated with a Patient Subset with Adverse Outcome. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jan 10;11(1). pii: E73. doi: 10.3390/cancers11010073
41. Hernandez-Valladares M, Wangen R, Berven FS, Guldbrandsen A. Protein Post-Translational Modification Crosstalk in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Calls for Action. Cur Medic Chem, 2019, 26(28), 5317-5337
42. Nepstad I, Hatfield KJ, Grønningsæter IS, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Hagen KM, Rye KP, Berven FS, Selheim F, Reikvam H, Bruserud Ø. Effects of insulin and pathway inhibitors on the PI3K-Akt-mTOR phosphorylation profile in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Signal Transd Target Ther. 2019, 4:20, doi: 10.1038/s41392-019-0050-0
43. Aasebø E, Berven FS, Bartaula-Brevik S, Stokowy T, Hovland R, Vaudel M, Døskeland SO, McCormack E, Batth TS, Olsen JV, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. Proteome and phosphoproteome changes associated with prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia. Cancers 2020, 12(3): 709, doi: 10.3390/cancers12030709
44. Aasebø E, Berven FS, Hovland R, Døskeland SO, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. The progression of acute myeloid leukemia from first diagnosis to chemoresistant relapse: a comparison fo proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiles. Cancers 2020, 12(6): E1466, doi: 10.3390/cancers12061466
45. Hernandez-Valladares M, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F. The implementation of mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflows in clinical routines of acute myeloid leukemia: applicability and perspectives. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2020, 21: 6830
46. Hernandez-Valladares M, Aasebø E, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Biological characteristics of aging in human acute myeloid leukemia cells: the possible importance of aldehyde dehydrogenase, the cytoskeleton and altered transcriptional regulation. Aging 2020, 12(24):24734-24777
47. Hernandez-Valladares M, Wangen R, Aasebø E, Reikvam H, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic studies of primary acute myeloid leukemia cells derived from patients before and during disease-stabilizing treatments based on all-trans retinoic acid and valproic acid. Cancers 2021, 13(9):2143
48. Bruserud Ø, Tsykunova G, Hernandez-Valladares M, Reikvam H, Tvedt THA. Therapeutic use of valproic acid and all-trans retinoic acid in acute myeloid leukemia-literature review and discussion of possible use in relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(5):423
49. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic comparison of bone marrow derived osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22(11):5665
50. Grønningsæter IS, Reikvam H, Bartaula-Brevik S, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven F, Tvedt Tor Henrik, Bruserud Ø, Hatfield KJ. Effects of the autophagy-inhibiting agent chloroquine on acute myeloid leukemia cells: characterization of patient heterogeneity. J Personal. Medicine 2021, 11(8):779
51. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Mjaavatten O, Reikvam H, Selheim F, Berven FS, Bruserud Ø. Patient heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemia: leukemic cell communication by release of soluble mediators and its effects on mesenchymal stem cells. Diseases. 2021, 9(4):74
52. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Reikvam H, Selheim F, Berven FS, Bruserud Ø. Protein characterization of spontaneous stress-induced in vitro apoptosis of human acute myeloid leukemia cells; focus on patient heterogeneity and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Hemato. 2021, 2, 607-627
53. Gahan JM, Hernandez-Valladares M, Rentzsch F. The chromatin-regulating CoREST complex is animal specific and essential for development in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis. BMC Biology 2022, 20(1):184
54. Reikvam H, Hemsing AL, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E. Proteomic approaches for untangling pharmacological targets in acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Review of Proteomics 2022, doi: 10.1080/14789450.2022.2067530
55. Lasse, N., Takayidza, G. Berven, F.S., Hernandez-Valladares, M. Comparing efficiency of lysis buffer solutions and sample preparation methods for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of human cells and plasma. Molecules 2022, 27(11), 3390
Family name, First name: Hernandez-Valladares Maria del Carmen
Date of birth: 17.06.1970
Sex: F
Nationality: Spanish
URL for personal web site:;;;;
//2019// Master of Secondary School Education, speciality Physics and Chemistry, National long-distance University of Spain
//2010 // Master Public Health, University of Manchester, U.K.
//2005 // University Expert of Epidemiology and new applied technologies,
National long-distance University of Spain and Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
//1998 // PhD: Disputation date: 29.09.1998. Centre of Protein Engineering, University of Liege, Belgium
//1994 // Master Organic Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
//1993 // Bachelor of Chemistry, speciality of Biochemistry, University of Granada, Spain
Expert in mass spectrometry-based proteomics, phosphoproteomics, acetylomics, glycoproteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics. My main skills include complex experimental design, broad range of biochemistry experimental techniques (i.e., spectroscopy, kinetics, protein expression, structural biology, molecular biology and genomics), data analysis, statistics, data management, reports, presentations, article writing, funding proposal writing, networking, teaching, supervision, couching and training together with great social skills in order to be able to work efficiently in a pleasant environment
//2022- //Senior investigator attached at the Institute of Biomedical Research ibs.GRANADA
//2022- //Senior investigator at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada under a Maria Zambrano Senior contract
2021-2022 ////50% Associate Professor and leader of the Metabolomics Platform at the Clinical Sciences Department (K2) and 50% Chief engineer at Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway, University of Bergen, Norway
//2016-2020// Postdoctoral scientist
Department of Clinical Studies and Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway, University of Bergen, Norway
2014-2016 Researcher, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2013 // Maternal leave
//2009-2012 //Postdoctoral scientist, Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool, U.K.
//2005-2009// Research Associate, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2004 // Visiting Scientist, Queensland Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia
//1999-2003 //Visiting Scientist, Institute of Livestock Research Institute-CGIAR group, Nairobi, Kenya
2018-2019 // Charles Perkins Centre, Mass Spectrometry facility of the University of Sydney, Australia (within the postdoctoral program at the University of Bergen)
//2022// Maria Zambrano Senior at the University of Granada, Spain
//2004 // Visiting scientist at the Queensland Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia thanks to a Human Frontier fellowship
1999-2001// Visiting scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, thanks to an award from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
//1994-1998 //Ph.D fellowship of the EU (Human Mobility Program); Centre of Protein Engineering, University of Liege, Belgium
//2021-2022 // Faculty of Medicine Board Member, University of Bergen
//2021- // Committee member of the Initiative Program of the European Society of Proteomics (EuPA)
//2010-2012 // Member of the British Biochemical Society
2001-2002// Member of International Federation of University Women (IFUW)
//1997-1998 // Member of International Conferences on Bioinorganic Chemistry Society (ICBICS)
//2022 //One Erasmus student from the University of Granada, Spain, and one Ph.D student from the Diabetes Group at the Clinical Science Department, University of Bergen, Norway
//2021 //Two undergraduate students, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2017-2018 //One Master Student, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2016 // Two undergraduate students, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2014-2015 //One undergraduate students and two postdocs, Proteomics Facility of University of Bergen (PROBE), University of Bergen, Norway
//2005-2009 //One Ph.D student, one technician, two postdocs and two undergraduate students, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2022/2023 //Physical Chemistry main course and Practicum for Chemistry Engineering degree at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada; Practicum for Environmental Sciences degree at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Granada
//2021/2022 //Practicum for Chemistry Engineering degree at the Department of Chemistry Physics at the University of Granada
//2017 // Technical Instrumentation, Pharmacy, University of Bergen, Norway
//2015// Mass spectrometry proteomics, BioProt course, University of Bergen, Norway
2008-2009 //Outreach program on Structural Biology, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biopolis, Singapore
//2004 //Plasmodium falciparum resistance in mouse models, Parasitology summer course, University of Granada, Spain
Analytical Chemistry (IF 6.97; 2020); Nature Communications Biology (IF 14.92; 2020); International Journal of Nanomedicine (IF 6.4; 2020); Cancer Letters (IF 8.68; 2020) and Leukemia (IF 11.53; 2020)
PUBLICATIONS (1996-2022)
1. Hernandez-Valladares M., Galleni M., Frere J.M., Felici A., Perilli M., Franceschini N., Rossolini G. M., Oratore A. and Amicosante G. (1996). Overproduction and purification of the metallo-ß-lactamase from Aeromonas hydrophila AE036. Microbial Drug Resistance, 2: 253-256.
2. Hernandez-Valladares M., Felici A., Weber G., Adolph H.W., Zeppezauer M., Rossolini G. M., Amicosante G., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (1997). Zn(II) dependence of the Aeromonas hydrophila AE036 metallo-ß-lactamase activity and stability. Biochemistry, 36: 11534-11541.
3. Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Galleni M., Bauer R., Zeppezauer M., Frere J.M. and Adolph H.W. (1998). Mono- and binuclear Zn-beta-lactamase from Bacteroides fragilis: catalytic and structural roles of the zinc ions. FEBS Letters, 438: 137-140.
4. Prosperi-Meys C., Llabres G., de Seny D., Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Laraky N., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (1999). Interaction between class B ß-lactamases and suicide substrates of active-site serine ß-lactamases. FEBS Letters, 443: 109-111.
5. Paul Soto R., Bauer R., Frere J.M., Galleni M., Meyer-Klaucke W., Nolting H., Rossolini G.M., de Seny D., Hernandez-Valladares M., Zeppezauer M. and Adolph H.W. (1999). Mono- and binuclear Zn2+-ß-lactamases. Role of the conserved cysteine in the catalytic mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274: 13242-13249.
6. Meyer-Klaucke W., Paul Soto R., Hernandez-Valladares M., Adolph H.W., Nolting H., Frere J.M. and Zeppezauer M. (1999). A comparison of Bacillus cereus and Aeromonas hydrophila Zn-ß-lactamases. Journal of Synchroton radiation, 6: 400-402.
7. Walter M.W., Hernandez-Valladares M., Adlington R.M., Amicosante G., Baldwin J.E., Frere J.M., Galleni M., Rossolini G.M. and Schofield C.J. (1999). Hydroxamate inhibitors of Aeromonas hydrophila AE036 metallo-ß-lactamase. Bioorganic Chemistry 27: 35-40.
8. Hernandez-Valladares M., Kiefer M., Heinz U., Paul Soto R., Meyer-Klaucke W., Nolting H., Zeppezauer M., Galleni M., Frere J.M., Rossolini G.M., Amicosante G. and Adolph H.W. (2000). Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the native and metal-substituted ß-lactamase from Aeromonas hydrophila AE036. FEBS Letters, 467: 221-225.
9. Hernandez-Valladares M., Zervosen A., Devreese B., Prosperi-Meys C., Adolph H.W., Mercuri P.S., Vanhove M., Amicosante G., Van Beeumen J., Frere J.M. and Galleni M. (2001). Inactivation of Aeromonas hydrophila metallo-ß-lactamase by cephamycins and moxalactam. European Journal of Biochemistry, 268: 3840-3850.
10. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Gibson J.P., Musoke A.J., Nagda S., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Confirmation and dissection of QTL controlling resistance to malaria in mice. Mammalian Genome, 15(5): 390-398.
11. Hernandez-Valladares M., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Mapping of a new quantitative trait locus for resistance to malaria in mice by a comparative mapping approach with human chromosome 5q31-q33. Immunogenetics, 56: 115-117.
12. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Nagda S., Musoke A.J., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K. and Iraqi F. (2004). Comparison of pathology in susceptible A/J and resistant C57BL/6J mice after infection with different sub-strains of Plasmodium chabaudi. Journal of Experimental Parasitology, 108: 134-41.
13. Flori L., Delahaye N.F., Iraqi F.A., Hernandez-Valladares M., Fumoux F. and Rihet P. (2005). TNF as a malaria candidate gene: polymorphism-screening and family-based association analysis of malaria attack and parasitemia in a population living in Burkina Faso. Genes and Immunity, 6:472-80.
14. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J. and Iraqi F. (2005). Genetic resistance to malaria in mouse models. Trends in Parasitology, 21: 352-55.
15. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J., Musoke A.J., Sekikawa K., Rihet P., ole-MoiYoi O.K., Busher P. and Iraqi F. (2006). Pathology of Tnf-deficient mice infected with Plasmodium chabaudi adami 408XZ. Journal of Experimental Parasitology, 114, 271-278.
16. Spielmann T., Dixon M.W.A., Hernandez-Valladares M., Hannemann M., Trenholme K.R. and Gardiner D.L. (2006). Reliable transfection of Plasmodium falciparum using non-commercial plasmid mini preparations. Int. J. Parasitology, 36, 1245-48.
17. Hernandez-Valladares M., Naessens J. and Iraqi F. (2007). Gene-knockout mice in malaria research: useful or misleading? Trends in Parasitology, 23, 522-6.
18. Nag S., Ma Q, Wang H., Chumnarnsilpa S., Lee W.L., Larsson M., Kannan B., Hernandez-Valladares M., Burtnick L.D., Robinson R.C. (2009). Ca2+ binding by domain 2 plays a critical role in the activation and stabilization of gelsolin. PNAS, 106, 13713-8.
19. Hernandez-Valladares M., Kim T., Kannan B., Tung A., Aguda A.H., Larsson M., Cooper J.A., Robinson R.C. (2010) Structural characterization of a capping protein interaction motif defines a family of actin filament regulators. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 17, 497-503.
20. Kannan, B. Larsson, M., Lee, W.L., Hernandez-Valladares M., Robinson, R.C. (2011) Actin polymerazation Dynamics-Insights from In vitro TIRF microscopy. Biophysics J, 3, 300-301.
21. Eisenberg, S., Laude, A.J., Beckett, A.J., Mageean, C.J., Aran, V., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Henis, Y.I. and Prior, I.A. (2013) The role of palmitoylation in regulating Ras localization and function. Bioch. Soc. Trans., 41, 79-83.
22. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Rihet, P. and Iraqi, F.A. (2014). Host susceptibility to malaria in human and mice: compatible approaches to identify potential resistant genes. Physiol Genomics, 46(1), 1-16.
23. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aran, V., Prior, I.A. (2014) Quantitative proteomic analysis of compartmentalized signaling networks. Meth. Enzymol, 535, 309-25.
24. Cheung, V.W., Bo, X., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Go, M.K., Tung, A., Aguda, A.H., Robinson, R.C. and Yew, W.S. (2014). Identification of polyketide inhibitors targeting 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase in the shikimate pathway of Enterococcus faecalis. Plos One, 9(7): e103598.
25. Hernandez-Valladares, M. and Prior I. (2015). Comparative proteomic analysis of compartmentalised Ras signalling. Sci. Reports, 5: 17307
26. Aasebø, E., Forthun, R.B., Berven, F., Selheim, F. and Hernandez-Valladares, M. (2016). Global cell proteome profiling, phospho-signaling and quantitative proteomics for identification of new biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia patients. Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol., 17(1): 52-70.
27. Aasebø, E., Mjaavatten, O., Vaudel, M., Farag, Y., Selheim, F., Berven, F., Bruserud, Ø. and Hernandez-Valladares, M. (2016). Freezing effects on the acute myeloide leukemia cell proteome and phosphoproteome revealed using optimal quantitative workflows. J Proteomics, 154, 214-25.
28. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aasebø, E., Mjaavatten, O., Vaudel, M., Bruserud, Ø., Berven, F. and Selheim, F. (2016). Reliable FASP-based procedures for optimal quantitative proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis on samples from acute myeloid leukemia patients. Biol. Proced. Online, doi: 10.1186/s12575-016-0043-0. eCollection.
29. Tvedt, T.H.A., Reikvam, H., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Berven, F., Selheim, F. and Bruserud, Ø. How should quality of life assessment be used to evaluate elderly and unfit patients with acute myeloid leukemia? Qual. Life Res. (2016)
30. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Aasebø, E., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø. (2016). Selecting sample preparation workflows for mass spectrometry-based proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of patient samples with acute myeloid leukemia. Proteomes, 4(3), doi: 10.3390/proteomes4030024.
31. Brenner, A.K., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø. (2017). Rethinking the role of osteoponin in human acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk. Lymphoma, 58(6), 1494-97.
32. Hernandez-Valladares, M., Vaudel, M., Bruserud, Ø., Selheim, F., Berven, F. and Bruserud, Ø (2017). Proteogenomics approaches for studying cancer biology and their potential in the identification of acute myeloid leukemia biomarkers. Expert Rev. Proteomics, 14(8), 649-63.
33. Bruserud, Ø., Aasebø, E., Hernandez-Valladares, M, Tsykunova, G. and Reikvam, H. (2017). Therapeutic targeting of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia, the biological background for possible strategies (2017). Expert Opin. Drug Discov., 12(10), 1053-1065.
34. Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications: Bamberg, Germany. 23-25 June, 2017. BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2017 Oct 10;18(Suppl 1):64
35. Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven FS, Brenner AK, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic Profiling of Primary Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Does Not Reflect Their Constitutive Release of Soluble Mediators. Proteomes. 2018 Dec 20;7(1). pii: E1. doi: 10.3390/proteomes7010001.
36. Reis LC, Ramos-Sanchez EM, Petitto-Assis F, Nerland AH, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Floeter-Winter LM, Goto H. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I as an Effector Element of the Cytokine IL-4 in the Development of a Leishmania major Infection. Mediators Inflamm. 2018 Jul 29;2018:9787128. doi: 10.1155/2018/9787128. eCollection 2018.
37. Nepstad I, Hatfield KJ, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Brenner AK, Bartaula-Brevik S, Berven F, Selheim F, Skavland J, Gjertsen BT, Reikvam H, Bruserud Ø. Two acute myeloid leukemia patient subsets are identified based on the constitutive PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling of their leukemic cells; a functional, proteomic, and transcriptomic comparison. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2018 Jul;22(7):639-653. doi: 10.1080/14728222.2018.1487401.
38. Wangen R, Aasebø E, Trentani A, Døskeland SO, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. Preservation Method and Phosphate Buffered Saline Washing Affect the Acute Myeloid Leukemia Proteome.Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jan 19;19(1). pii: E296. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010296.
39. Aasebø E, Bartaula-Brevik S, Hernandez-Valladares M, Bruserud Ø. Vacuolar ATPase as a possible therapeutic target in human acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Rev Hematol. 2018 Jan;11(1):13-24. doi: 10.1080/17474086.2018.1407239.
40. Brenner AK, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven F, Grønningsæter IS, Bartaula-Brevik S, Bruserud Ø. The Capacity of Long-Term in Vitro Proliferation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Supported Only by Exogenous Cytokines Is Associated with a Patient Subset with Adverse Outcome. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jan 10;11(1). pii: E73. doi: 10.3390/cancers11010073
41. Hernandez-Valladares M, Wangen R, Berven FS, Guldbrandsen A. Protein Post-Translational Modification Crosstalk in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Calls for Action. Cur Medic Chem, 2019, 26(28), 5317-5337
42. Nepstad I, Hatfield KJ, Grønningsæter IS, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Hagen KM, Rye KP, Berven FS, Selheim F, Reikvam H, Bruserud Ø. Effects of insulin and pathway inhibitors on the PI3K-Akt-mTOR phosphorylation profile in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Signal Transd Target Ther. 2019, 4:20, doi: 10.1038/s41392-019-0050-0
43. Aasebø E, Berven FS, Bartaula-Brevik S, Stokowy T, Hovland R, Vaudel M, Døskeland SO, McCormack E, Batth TS, Olsen JV, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. Proteome and phosphoproteome changes associated with prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia. Cancers 2020, 12(3): 709, doi: 10.3390/cancers12030709
44. Aasebø E, Berven FS, Hovland R, Døskeland SO, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F, Hernandez-Valladares M. The progression of acute myeloid leukemia from first diagnosis to chemoresistant relapse: a comparison fo proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiles. Cancers 2020, 12(6): E1466, doi: 10.3390/cancers12061466
45. Hernandez-Valladares M, Bruserud Ø, Selheim F. The implementation of mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflows in clinical routines of acute myeloid leukemia: applicability and perspectives. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2020, 21: 6830
46. Hernandez-Valladares M, Aasebø E, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Biological characteristics of aging in human acute myeloid leukemia cells: the possible importance of aldehyde dehydrogenase, the cytoskeleton and altered transcriptional regulation. Aging 2020, 12(24):24734-24777
47. Hernandez-Valladares M, Wangen R, Aasebø E, Reikvam H, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic studies of primary acute myeloid leukemia cells derived from patients before and during disease-stabilizing treatments based on all-trans retinoic acid and valproic acid. Cancers 2021, 13(9):2143
48. Bruserud Ø, Tsykunova G, Hernandez-Valladares M, Reikvam H, Tvedt THA. Therapeutic use of valproic acid and all-trans retinoic acid in acute myeloid leukemia-literature review and discussion of possible use in relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(5):423
49. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Berven FS, Selheim F, Bruserud Ø. Proteomic comparison of bone marrow derived osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22(11):5665
50. Grønningsæter IS, Reikvam H, Bartaula-Brevik S, Aasebø E, Hernandez-Valladares M, Selheim F, Berven F, Tvedt Tor Henrik, Bruserud Ø, Hatfield KJ. Effects of the autophagy-inhibiting agent chloroquine on acute myeloid leukemia cells: characterization of patient heterogeneity. J Personal. Medicine 2021, 11(8):779
51. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Mjaavatten O, Reikvam H, Selheim F, Berven FS, Bruserud Ø. Patient heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemia: leukemic cell communication by release of soluble mediators and its effects on mesenchymal stem cells. Diseases. 2021, 9(4):74
52. Aasebø E, Brenner AK, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E, Reikvam H, Selheim F, Berven FS, Bruserud Ø. Protein characterization of spontaneous stress-induced in vitro apoptosis of human acute myeloid leukemia cells; focus on patient heterogeneity and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Hemato. 2021, 2, 607-627
53. Gahan JM, Hernandez-Valladares M, Rentzsch F. The chromatin-regulating CoREST complex is animal specific and essential for development in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis. BMC Biology 2022, 20(1):184
54. Reikvam H, Hemsing AL, Hernandez-Valladares M, Birkeland E. Proteomic approaches for untangling pharmacological targets in acute myeloid leukemia. Expert Review of Proteomics 2022, doi: 10.1080/14789450.2022.2067530
55. Lasse, N., Takayidza, G. Berven, F.S., Hernandez-Valladares, M. Comparing efficiency of lysis buffer solutions and sample preparation methods for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of human cells and plasma. Molecules 2022, 27(11), 3390